To protect the people and secure their rights

Liberty and Democracy are not opposing ideas. The political center is where all change is made. Let's embrace reason and civility.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Suburban Democracy

I'd like to coin a phrase here: Suburban Democracy

A lot of focus in what I want to do is designed around public relations in local communities. The "suburban paradise system", as I used to call it, was effectively the American Dream, the post-war promise of the New Deal.

Eventually we were supposed to all have houses and jobs, just like in FDR's Second Bill of Rights. And yes, we were promised hover cars.

The civil rights movement was supported by suburban communities who believed in American democracy.  Progressives campaigned publicly, house to house, supporting candidates who supported civil rights, and even supported directly with time and money.

In the suburbia of the 70s, there were still ethnic gangs, but there was a general peace with little violence. We had county patrolmen that served more as ambassadors of government and were respected by the community.

You could pass literature door to door, easily move house to house to canvass for your organization or candidate. There was no fear of violence. If democracy means "votes, not bullets", that's how politics was in 70s suburbia.

Whatever I do in the future, I will rely on this model of democracy, this approach to political recruitment.

Reasonable, centralist policy of course. People don't want riots and revolution, they just want a better life. If anything is our "right" as citizens, it's the American dream.